Have you ever experienced an incredible synergy of experiences that have literally gifted you with your life purpose? May I share with you how our rescue puppy Rocky Rockstar has done just that? As a survivor of childhood domestic violence, I lost my beautiful mum in an act of violence when I was just seven years old. I was immediately separated from my older siblings, twin and put into foster homes where I was bullied and abused. As a mother of two teenagers myself now, I have fond memories of being read to once by a beautiful foster mother, during my 6 years in 13 foster homes. “I was able to escape the reality of my life for a moment by using my imagination … [Read more...] about Rescue Puppy Inspires Life Purpose
Donna-Leigh Perfect
Hi Welcome to our first newsletter. Donna-Leigh Perfect Speaks on the TenX Stage at Speakers Tribe Conference 2019 Donna-Leigh is an expert on resilience. - CEO/Co-Founder of The Dream Guards Perfect P.E.A.C.E Program and Dream Guards Ambassador Program. - 2018 International Women’s Day Leadership Ambassador in Social Justice & Equality. - Qualified Personal Trainer/Youth - Mental Health First Aider - Lifeline Suicide Prevention Counsellor - Children’s Author. As a survivor of childhood trauma and domestic violence where she was separated from everything familiar in her life..her family and her community Donna-Leigh is passionate about helping others tap into … [Read more...] about Donna-Leigh Perfect
Book Illustration Cycle
Book Illustration Cycle Embarking on the unknown journey as a Children’s Author of my children’s series “The Adventures of Jessie and Rocky Rockstar” has been a fascinating process, especially the book illustration cycle. These books are about the coolest little puppy in the world “Rocky Rockstar”. He’s a rescue puppy we got for our beautiful daughter Jessie. Since he became part of our family, life has been incredible. He’s a crazy, loveable cross between a Foxy, Staffy and Cattle Dog that looks like a Tiger. Painting this picture of Rocky Rockstar’s characteristics has been an important aspect of the book illustration cycle. The first step in this book illustration cycle was … [Read more...] about Book Illustration Cycle
Hire A WordPress Expert
Who Would Have Thought Writing A Children’s Book Would Have Taken Me On A Journey To Find A Wordpress Expert?Sipping on my double shot flat white at my favourite Gold Coast Cafe “Blackboard”early Friday morning in the middle of January, my publisher Ocean Reeve walks in. It’s our first of many author mentoring sessions we are about to embark on to ensure a successful promotional book campaign. Settling in for a 2 hour session, we start working through the marketing plan when Ocean asks Donna, how far have you got with your website?“Excuse me, what website?” I replied.“Every author needs a website Donna-Leigh, it’s how you promote your books, your blogs, your newsletters, webinars … [Read more...] about Hire A WordPress Expert
Sunday Morning
Shaking like a bag of nerves... is probably an accurate way to describe how I was feeling on that cold wet Sunday morning, when I called publisher Ocean Reeve to read my children’s manuscript for the first time, over the telephone.It took me by surprise how quick he replied to my email that Sunday morning when I introduced myself and my first children’s book title “Rescued” in the series The Adventures Of Jessie and Rocky Rockstar. Just call me and we can have a chat.... he suggested, so I did. I figured there was nothing else to do on a cold wet Sunday morning than to stay snuggled up in bed and talk about my book I had just written.How many words is it? He asked “Only 900” I … [Read more...] about Sunday Morning